Thursday, April 9, 2009

Letter to the Editor

April 9, 2009

I am angry! I am an average tax paying citizen, not knowing all the ins and outs of politics and I have had it!!! I have worked hard all my life. My parents instilled in me values and ethics teaching me that freedom was an opportunity to do what is right and fair to others, not to exercise my rights to the point of encroaching on others or in some cases killing children. When does borrowing money get anyone out of debt?

America, wake up! How many of you have heard these famous words, “Someone needs to do something”. Well show me someone. I am Someone and you are Someone. Quit living in fear of what others are going to think or say about you. It is because of the silent majority that we are in the mess we are in today! When are we going to say, “ENOUGH!” How long will it be before we can not speak openly? Well America, it is right around the corner and if Someone does not speak up, and stand up NOW you will live to see those days. I was born an American, not a socialist and I have not changed my address. GOVERNMENT BACK OFF!!!

Private Citizens Unite!
Join me at the Market House for a Tea Party, downtown April 15th from noon – 2 PM, and let your voices be heard!

1 comment:

  1. We need one of our own kind in the white house and you know what I mean the marxist must be tossed out!


A Word From Newt Gingrich