Greetings - fellow Citizens!!!!!!
We the People did awesome yesterday! The turn out was thrilling. The honking horns, the signs, the smell of exhaust, the yelling, the waving of the flags, homeland security, dodging the cars as you crossed, everything was absolutely exhilarating!!!
I wanted to take this opportunity to make a few clarifications. Most of you know this already, however I just wanted to make these statements.
1) Our gathering yesterday was a nonpartisan event.
2) The GOP did not organize our event in anyway shape or form.
3) We were not linked to the GOP in anyway shape or form.
4) Our gathering was comprised of American Citizens with a common cause.
5) Our gathering peaked in numbers just under 500 people, (not 75 as announced by the GOP publicly today)
6) The GOP did not coordinate or was not the contact agency for our Tea Party.
7) This was YOUR TEA PARTY!
Plans are being developed for our next “gathering”. While this is being done, start recruiting more people!!! We can not let the momentum die!
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all”
Stand Proud, Stand Fearless we are Americans!
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Lown
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Thanks to all of you who were able to come out, raise your voices as one and have some fun as well. We will be getting with you shortly on what we will be doing next. Plan on more action as this should spur us on to do good for our Nation and our children!
God Bless!
Heather Harrison
God Bless!
Heather Harrison
Thoughts on the Tea Party and Channel 14 coverage
Two angry wives started our Tax Day Tea Party, at the Market House here in Fayetteville. Angry at the out of control spending that is continuing to take place in D.C., Raleigh, and City Hall. And although the GOP had a group a block away, there weren’t any competitive attitudes between the two “Partys”. Yes, we are conservative but we came together as nonpartisans because WE THE PEOPLE are as varied political wise as the color of our skin.
And although we had a lot of responses we still weren't quite sure how many people would come out. Arriving at the Market House just past 11 am, you could feel the excitement “brewing” in the air. People started showing one by one, and then entire families showed up. Veterans, active duty, and military wives with their children, college age, civilian retirees, folks on lunch break, the crowd was as diverse in age and as it was in race. All four sides of the Market House (its in a turn about downtown) had enough people to circle it, at least 250 in attendance. With about 20 people on each of the corners, o At first the onlookers weren’t quite sure what it was all. Signs like “YOUR PORK BROKE MY PIGGY BANK” “TRICKLE UP POVERTY” “BORN FREE, TAXED TO DEATH” “I AM ONLY 7 YEARS OLD AND I AM ALREADY $80,000 IN DEBT” and the crowds favorite “CUT GOVERNMENT SPENDING, FIRE A POLITICIAN!”
Passerby’s in their cars honking, pumping up the crowd, with several circling the Market House for about 20 minutes at a time. Several of us started to feel like we were on a roller coaster.
Several children in the crowd were asked how they felt not to have a credit card but already $20K in debt. One young man was extremely angry, because even he understood that spending even more couldn’t pay debt down. The money has got to come from somewhere because the United States government doesn’t have money of its own. He understood that they had to take it from someone first, to give it to someone else.
That a turn lane on Skibo Road creates only temporary “work” for a limited amount of people.
There were no signs of ACORN or anyone else trying to disrupt the protest. Only two men driving by were evidently irate, assuming this was an ANTI Obama rally. But they continued on their way. We had no accidents either, even though people were crossing in front of vehicles entering and exiting the turn about.
As the crowd dispersed at the end the sense of accomplishment was evident. Our two party system is broken. And for our voices to be heard, WE THE PEOPLE cannot be the silent majority anymore. All in all, we feel successful in getting the word out. And that this is only the beginning is an understatement.
Two angry wives started our Tax Day Tea Party, at the Market House here in Fayetteville. Angry at the out of control spending that is continuing to take place in D.C., Raleigh, and City Hall. And although the GOP had a group a block away, there weren’t any competitive attitudes between the two “Partys”. Yes, we are conservative but we came together as nonpartisans because WE THE PEOPLE are as varied political wise as the color of our skin.
And although we had a lot of responses we still weren't quite sure how many people would come out. Arriving at the Market House just past 11 am, you could feel the excitement “brewing” in the air. People started showing one by one, and then entire families showed up. Veterans, active duty, and military wives with their children, college age, civilian retirees, folks on lunch break, the crowd was as diverse in age and as it was in race. All four sides of the Market House (its in a turn about downtown) had enough people to circle it, at least 250 in attendance. With about 20 people on each of the corners, o At first the onlookers weren’t quite sure what it was all. Signs like “YOUR PORK BROKE MY PIGGY BANK” “TRICKLE UP POVERTY” “BORN FREE, TAXED TO DEATH” “I AM ONLY 7 YEARS OLD AND I AM ALREADY $80,000 IN DEBT” and the crowds favorite “CUT GOVERNMENT SPENDING, FIRE A POLITICIAN!”
Passerby’s in their cars honking, pumping up the crowd, with several circling the Market House for about 20 minutes at a time. Several of us started to feel like we were on a roller coaster.
Several children in the crowd were asked how they felt not to have a credit card but already $20K in debt. One young man was extremely angry, because even he understood that spending even more couldn’t pay debt down. The money has got to come from somewhere because the United States government doesn’t have money of its own. He understood that they had to take it from someone first, to give it to someone else.
That a turn lane on Skibo Road creates only temporary “work” for a limited amount of people.
There were no signs of ACORN or anyone else trying to disrupt the protest. Only two men driving by were evidently irate, assuming this was an ANTI Obama rally. But they continued on their way. We had no accidents either, even though people were crossing in front of vehicles entering and exiting the turn about.
As the crowd dispersed at the end the sense of accomplishment was evident. Our two party system is broken. And for our voices to be heard, WE THE PEOPLE cannot be the silent majority anymore. All in all, we feel successful in getting the word out. And that this is only the beginning is an understatement.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Posted by Adam de Angeli
on 04/12/09 7:38 PM
Last updated 04/13/09 02:08 AM
Throughout the month and especially April 15th, demonstrations against taxes will take place across the country. The stated purpose of these efforts is to lobby the government to reduce or eliminate taxes. The true purpose for many of these events will be to benefit the organizations putting on the events and the politicians attending them.
There are many possible scenarios. Perhaps your local Campaign For Liberty group is leading the charge and you are organizing the event yourselves. In Michigan, a group called Americans For Prosperity, an economic freedom lobby, is organizing the event and bringing (sigh) Joe the Plumber. In your state, another organization may be putting on the event, or a campus organization, or maybe a politician is planning an appearance. I'll try to cover a wide range of situations here.
A true story
It was at the very end of August 2007 that a local "peace" organization planned a rally at the University of Michigan. The students were still returning from summer vacation and getting back into school mode. was co-sponsoring the demonstration. By all indications it was to be a tame event where people express sadness, join an email list, and go home and do nothing.
Yet something else happened: 2 dozen people donned 2x3 Ron Paul sandwich boards with messages targeting anti-war college students. They displayed "Ron Paul 2008" in big letters, and beneath that were four bullet points: -Bring the troops Home -Restore civil liberties -Balance the Budget -Stop the World Bank and IMF Several of them carried clipboards and the rest handed out literature.
The peace group had brought speakers, but their sound system wasn't the greatest and they had a table instead of having people mingle with the crowd. Because of the sandwich boards, the Ron Paul supporters were far more visible to the audience (and importantly, to passersby) that it almost appeared as if they hosted the event.
The outcome: The Ron Paul supporters got sheets of contact information. The event set the tone for the upcoming school year. The University of Michigan ran one of the most active campus chapters in the country; airplanes flew Ron Paul 2008 banners over football games and students displayed Ron Paul signs that made it onto ESPN. They got a great deal of campus press, and when Dr. Paul came to U-M the next month, three thousand attended. (Side note: PLEEEEEASE message me if you have a hi-res photo of that event).
The lesson here is that you can get a lot accomplished at an event, even one your group isn't organizing. But you need to plan and prepare, and your whole group must understand the plan going into the event.
Step 1: State the goal and the target
Many people gauge the success of an event strictly by turnout. This is wrong--a small event may be an enormous success (an exciting legislative victory that never makes it onto the news) and a huge event may be almost meaningless (most anti-war demonstrations are).
Set a tangible goal. "This Wednesday in Lansing we're going to recruit 20 Local Coordinators and find someone to be the 5th Regional Coordinator." Great. A fascinating thing happens: from this defined goal, the obvious goal (turnout) becomes obviously not the goal. Given this goal, it is clear that our most important target is not the public, it is the attendees of the event. After all, these are people who care just like we do. They're liable to volunteer, to contribute, and to grow our organization more than the people who stay home. If you have no idea how many people to expect at your event, you may revise your goal when you get to the event, but it's easier to change a number than decide the goal at the event itself.
What about the goal of stopping the next tax increase? That might happen in the future, but it's not going to happen as a direct result of the event. If two thousand people come to the Lansing protest, that still probably won't convince the legislator who sponsored the bill to withdraw it. Changing the law is therefore not the immediate goal of the demonstration. The goal is to expand our network for long-term change.
What about the goal of turnout? Even if the event is led by your local Campaign For Liberty, turnout is secondary to expanding our network. The value of turnout is by how much it expands our network.
It is also important to define your political target. Don't just blame "the government." Decide in advance whether you want to make the target the US Congress or your state legislature. The more focus, the better. You don't necessarily need to have the same target as every other group organizing the event, but within your group, have one target.
Step 2: Choose the message
It's always a pleasure to read the various hand-made signs at a protest. But the pleasure is misleading; it's actually better to have only a few designs with the fewest "unique" signs. There are several reasons:
The newspaper, seeking an attention-getting photograph that will sell a paper, will print the goofiest sign they shoot
The slogan most repeated is the slogan most remembered and most likely to appear in TV and Youtube coverage
An appearance of consistency looks better (both to participants and media spectators) than an appearance of chaos
As in the story above, big signs bearing the Campaign For Liberty name are great, both for conveying the popularity of our organization and for getting people signed up.
Use only one or two slogans for "message" signs. Those slogans should be as short as possible, they should not be mean-spirited (though they can be negative), and should contain no obscure acronyms. "Audit the Federal Reserve." "Inflation IS a tax." Avoid naming politicians, which inflames opposition. Pick a relevant topic, that is, the issue your organization is working on. In Michigan we're lobbying on civil liberties and a sovereignty resolution, neither of which relate (directly) with taxes. So we're pushing for HR 1207, currently co-sponsored by only one of Michigan's fifteen Congressmen.
Step 3: Prepare the literature
Depending on the theme of your event, you may wish to print out materials on our website, or have your group create something specific for the event (if you do so, please make clear that your flier was not created by the Campaign for Liberty). Slim jims are excellent.
You will also need clipboard with signup sheets. Get them printed in advance and bring plenty of them--when you find yourself drawing sloppy gridlines across a white page, you're likely to lose a sheet in the shuffle. Remind them to print clearly. If you are organizing the event or have a booth, and someone in your group has an "air card" (a USB device with an antenna that gives your laptop an Internet connection via cellular networks), have them bring their laptop for registering members on the spot. Have clipboards to get their phone numbers and email addresses so you can contact them later; and have a username field for registered members to sign in. (It's good to have a list on hand of people who have volunteered). Your group should designate one trustworthy person to keep the sign-in sheets after the event and organize a follow-up phone bank. Have plenty of clipboards with signup sheets on hand.
A great way to make a batch of signs is to use discarded cardboard or old campaign signs, paper, and wheatpaste. You can make enough wheatpaste for a dozen sandwich boards with a dollar's worth of flour and water--google a recipe--and they hold up in the rain if they're dry before you go out. Wheatpaste both sides of the cardboard to prevent warping. If you're writing your sign with a marker, take a lot of time to line everything up and trace an outline. If you run out of room on the board your sign will look terrible. Personally, I prefer to get a poster printed at a local print shop--you might get a good deal if the printer supports your cause, and it saves a lot of time if you're making more than a few signs.
Step 4: Train the Team
Now that you've made your plans and assembled the supplies, you need to make sure your team executes the plan with no problem.
Everyone should have a standard line if asked something by the media, so that there's a possibility of our message appearing in the media. It could be something as simple and honest as "We are here to express that we are going to hold Congress and the Federal Reserve accountable for undermining our economy."
Have a designated person, your best speaker, do all the rest of the talking, and others to film important interactions. Click here to view a video that illustrates the value of a team where everyone plays their position correctly. (Action starts at about 2:20)
Have a simple message and keep it relevant. Don't mention Barack Obama--the economic crisis pre-dated his Presidency and if it appears that we're blaming Obama for causing the recession, we'll look ignorant. Keep the blame squarely where it belongs-on Congress and the Fed.
Make it clear that you are not here to confront the group putting on the event. Don't go to a FairTax event with signs that have "FairTax" crossed out and "No Tax" written underneath; you'll be too busy handling enemies to make friends. Your members should be reminded that they are to treat all other demonstrators as fellow activists with only slightly different priorities. You're there to get to know them, not to confront them and not to patronize them.
The event may have counter-demonstrators. Typically a small fraction of demonstrators will take the bait and get in a shouting match. It's unusual at tax demonstrations, but common in large anti-globalism protests, for police and federal law enforcement to pay people to infiltrate demonstrator groups and provoke violence.
Be clear that nobody in the group is to provoke the police or instigate violence for any reason. The police are powerless to disperse a crowd if there's no disorder, and if a provocateur decides to create disorder, let the police arrest him. If the crowd gets enraged the police might riot, but if the crowd seems to be on the side of the law and not the violent protester, the police will protect you and not attack you. It is no coincidence that there was not a single instance of violence at any Ron Paul 2008 campaign event.
Pick a place to meet a few hours before the event for everyone to get hyped up, and pick a restaurant to celebrate at afterward. It's much easier to choose a place in advance.
At the event
The events themselves are really exciting. Expect to be on high alert throughout the event. Time will pass slowly. Talk to as many people as you can, but remember to listen. I cannot tell you how many times at a demonstration an activist has come up to me and, presuming himself an expert, start spouting off all kinds of facts and opinions, telling me what our priorities should be, who I need to listen to, what I need to know about tax policy... often I will interrupt with "yes I've read it" or "yes I know" and yet they just keep right on going. Listen to your listener, find out what they are upset about and relate to them.
Added 4/13, more things to keep in mind at the event
Arrive early. It is much easier to grasp the dynamics of a crowd when you see it develop from the start. If you show up and hundreds of people are already there, you're going to spend the first 15 minutes just getting a sense of it.
Keep yourself busy. Don't talk to the same person for more than 5 minutes unless there's a compelling reason to; check in with everybody you know as often as possible; the more you move around, the better. This way you'll easily keep on top of the situation and meet the most people.
Helping people is the easiest and best way to meet them. Everyone at a demonstration needs help with something--a banner, a camera, finding a person, knowing what's going on, whatever--be helpful and introduce yourself. Once you've helped a person they're obliged to introduce themselves and talk to you. HELP AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN.
At all times:
-Keep engaged
-Remember to listen
-Keep the peace
The Market House has shelter so plan on still coming out..
Remember to wear something patriotic, bring a friend or 10 :O)
This is a PEACEFUL protest. Let's let our voices be heard as one
Also be aware that we may have Party Busters there. Bring a camera.
And if you are asked to sign a petition, DON'T SIGN IT!
Remember to wear something patriotic, bring a friend or 10 :O)
This is a PEACEFUL protest. Let's let our voices be heard as one
Also be aware that we may have Party Busters there. Bring a camera.
And if you are asked to sign a petition, DON'T SIGN IT!
Directions to Market House on Hay Street
Free parking at the courthouse and 2 hour parking along Hay
and Person Street.
Coming from Cross Creek Mall on Skibo Road
Turn RIGHT onto SKIBO RD/ US-401 BYP.
Turn LEFT onto SWAIN ST.
Turn RIGHT onto BRAGG BLVD/ NC-24 E/ NC-87 S.
Turn LEFT onto Hay ST. continue to the round about.
Coming to Fayetteville, South on I95
Exit onto I-95 BR S/US-301 S via EXIT 56 toward
Which turns into Eastern Blvd.
Turn Right on Person St. and you will come to the
round about, which is where the Market House is.
and Person Street.
Coming from Cross Creek Mall on Skibo Road
Turn RIGHT onto SKIBO RD/ US-401 BYP.
Turn LEFT onto SWAIN ST.
Turn RIGHT onto BRAGG BLVD/ NC-24 E/ NC-87 S.
Turn LEFT onto Hay ST. continue to the round about.
Coming to Fayetteville, South on I95
Exit onto I-95 BR S/US-301 S via EXIT 56 toward
Which turns into Eastern Blvd.
Turn Right on Person St. and you will come to the
round about, which is where the Market House is.
Good morning!
We are totally excited about making our voices heard! I hope you all are as well. Please do not forget to bring 7 friends! Let's make this so big that we merge with the GOP group for one big voice! If you haven't been able to make signs yet we have made 35, including child size ones...
12-2 pm Market House, Hay Street Fayetteville.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
We made about 35 posters if you have been unable to get to the store.
Please join us to tell Congress and the POTUS- STOP SPENDING OUR MONEY and START CUTTING OUR TAXES!!!
Please join us to tell Congress and the POTUS- STOP SPENDING OUR MONEY and START CUTTING OUR TAXES!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Due to unforeseen circumstances the Poster Party that was scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. If you are still interested in getting together to make posters please let me know.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Letter to the Editor
April 9, 2009
I am angry! I am an average tax paying citizen, not knowing all the ins and outs of politics and I have had it!!! I have worked hard all my life. My parents instilled in me values and ethics teaching me that freedom was an opportunity to do what is right and fair to others, not to exercise my rights to the point of encroaching on others or in some cases killing children. When does borrowing money get anyone out of debt?
America, wake up! How many of you have heard these famous words, “Someone needs to do something”. Well show me someone. I am Someone and you are Someone. Quit living in fear of what others are going to think or say about you. It is because of the silent majority that we are in the mess we are in today! When are we going to say, “ENOUGH!” How long will it be before we can not speak openly? Well America, it is right around the corner and if Someone does not speak up, and stand up NOW you will live to see those days. I was born an American, not a socialist and I have not changed my address. GOVERNMENT BACK OFF!!!
Private Citizens Unite! Join me at the Market House for a Tea Party, downtown April 15th from noon – 2 PM, and let your voices be heard!
I am angry! I am an average tax paying citizen, not knowing all the ins and outs of politics and I have had it!!! I have worked hard all my life. My parents instilled in me values and ethics teaching me that freedom was an opportunity to do what is right and fair to others, not to exercise my rights to the point of encroaching on others or in some cases killing children. When does borrowing money get anyone out of debt?
America, wake up! How many of you have heard these famous words, “Someone needs to do something”. Well show me someone. I am Someone and you are Someone. Quit living in fear of what others are going to think or say about you. It is because of the silent majority that we are in the mess we are in today! When are we going to say, “ENOUGH!” How long will it be before we can not speak openly? Well America, it is right around the corner and if Someone does not speak up, and stand up NOW you will live to see those days. I was born an American, not a socialist and I have not changed my address. GOVERNMENT BACK OFF!!!
Private Citizens Unite! Join me at the Market House for a Tea Party, downtown April 15th from noon – 2 PM, and let your voices be heard!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Remember to RSVP to Cindy Stroupe(910-323-0718 or
if you plan to attend The Constitutionals Poster Party. April 10, 2009@ 5:30pm
if you plan to attend The Constitutionals Poster Party. April 10, 2009@ 5:30pm
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
FAYETTEVILE T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) Party
Market House(the circle where slaves were sold) on Hay Street.
Liberty Point Resolves (Corner of Bow and Person Street,first stoplight past the Market House Circle across from the County Courthouse)
Remember to RSVP to Cindy Stroupe(910-323-0718 or if you plan to attend The Constitutionals Poster Party. April 10, 2009@ 5:30pm
Also, we have received information that the posters that we are making must be no larger than 2’x2’. We have also been asked to bring tons of tea bags and empty tea boxes.
Liberty Point Resolves (Corner of Bow and Person Street,first stoplight past the Market House Circle across from the County Courthouse)
Remember to RSVP to Cindy Stroupe(910-323-0718 or if you plan to attend The Constitutionals Poster Party. April 10, 2009@ 5:30pm
Also, we have received information that the posters that we are making must be no larger than 2’x2’. We have also been asked to bring tons of tea bags and empty tea boxes.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Constitutionals Poster Party
Friday April 10th 2009
Carolina Specialties International525 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville NC 28301
@5:30 pm
Please RSVP to Cindy Stroupe@ or 910-323-0718 if you plan to attend. Supplies are being donated and they will need
to know how much to get.
Friday April 10th 2009
Carolina Specialties International525 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville NC 28301
@5:30 pm
Please RSVP to Cindy Stroupe@ or 910-323-0718 if you plan to attend. Supplies are being donated and they will need
to know how much to get.
Monday, March 30, 2009
What and Where
Please plan to participate in this exciting event to protest the Obama Administration's and the US Congresses' economic policies and massive spending bills! Many of our politicians and elected officials have become so removed from reality, they do not even listen to us anymore! It is time we stand up as citizens of this great land and let our voices be heard! This is our country too!
Please plan to attend this event on Wednesday, April 15th.
Email me@ for up to the minute UPDATES!
Market House Hay Street..yes we do have PICKET PERMIT!!
Please plan to attend this event on Wednesday, April 15th.
Email me@ for up to the minute UPDATES!
Market House Hay Street..yes we do have PICKET PERMIT!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Are ya TEA'd off yet?
On April 15, be part of the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party rally in your community
On the day you pay your taxes, Wednesday, April 15, join others across the country and in your hometown who will be participating in TEA party rallies in front of their city halls. The TEA party rally will begin at 12 noon.
Are you fed up with a Congress and a president who:
vote for a $500 billion tax bill without even reading it?
are spending trillions of borrowed dollars, leaving a debt our great-grandchildren will be paying?
consistently give special interest groups billions of dollars in earmarks to help get themselves re-elected?
want to take your wealth and redistribute it to others?
punish those who practice responsible financial behavior and reward those who do not?
admit to using the financial hurt of millions as an opportunity to push their political agenda?
run up trillions of dollars of debt and then sell that debt to countries such as China?
want government controlled health care?
want to take away the right to vote with a secret ballot in union elections?
refuse to stop the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into our country?
appoint a defender of child pornography to the Number 2 position in the Justice Department?
want to force doctors and other medical workers to perform abortions against their will?
want to impose a carbon tax on your electricity, gas and home heating fuels?
want to reduce your tax deductibility for charitable gifts?
take money from your family budget to pay for their federal budget?
If so, participate in the TEA party rally, the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party.
Bring your cell phone and call Congress and the president while attending the TEA party rally (Representative and Senators, 202-224-3121; President, 202-456-1414). Tell Every American about this effort by forwarding this invitation to your friends. Together we can make a difference.
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